Microstomia Correction with Fishtail Flap: Technical Strategy

Author Details

Sedat Aydin, Mehmet Gokhan Demir, Nazmiye Unlu

Journal Details


Published: 6 November 2018 | Article Type :


Microstomia is the decrease of the oral aperture due to acquired or congenital diseases. The pathology is challenging for surgeons due to recurrence rates and function loss. The patients suffered from deglutition, speech, aspiration, respiration problems etc. Treatment can be supplied by surgical methods described before but none of the methods is gold standard yet. Fishtail flap technique which is cheap and efficient method, is choice of microstomia reconstruction. In this report we presented a surgical correction of a microstomia patient after successful vermilionectomy due to lip cancer. After 9 month follow up the patients inter comissure distance is enough.

Keywords: Microstomia; lip cancer; fishtail flap; vermilionectomy.

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How to Cite


Sedat Aydin, Mehmet Gokhan Demir, Nazmiye Unlu. (2018-11-06). "Microstomia Correction with Fishtail Flap: Technical Strategy." *Volume 1*, 2, 9-11